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Community Spotlight: Meet Christine Cardona-Threadgill & Friends of Fieldworkers

The Basics

Christine Cardona-Threadgill

President of Friends of Fieldworkers

1. Can you please share more about yourself and the mission of Friends of Fieldworkers? 

Friends of Fieldworkers aims to serve farmworker families in Ventura County. We befriend them by advocating, celebrating and supporting them in various ways. 

2. Who has made a strong impact on your life and that has helped you to get you where you are today? 

I am very grateful to have grown up around many strong women. I spent a lot of time with my great-aunts during my childhood, and they often shared their stories about growing up as farmworkers, having left elementary school to help their parents in the fields full time. Remembering their many stories often helped me push forward during my own college years. I never took the opportunities I had for granted, after knowing what they went through. Now as the mother of three, I am more grateful than ever for the hard work of my relatives and for current farmworkers. I never miss the opportunity to share that history with my own children, and make sure they always know our family history. 

3. What are some recent highlights at Friends of Fieldworkers? And what events, milestones and steps are in Friends of Fieldworkers' near future? 

This organization was started by Judy and Ted Lucas, and they poured all of their hearts into it. Now, we for the first time have a growing Board of Directors, an Executive Director, and a quickly growing number of volunteers and community partners. It's amazing to see how this beautiful seed planted by Ted and Judy is growing and expanding. We recently relaunched our Laundry Love program and were able to support farmworkers and their families by providing fully funded laundry services, fresh fruit distribution, in-kind clothing donations, backpacks for children filled with school supplies and Target gift cards, thanks to partnerships with Food Forward and the Lions District. We look forward to hosting this event twice a month and hope to fundraise for those who are on our waitlist. We are also excited to continue to grow the Scholarships which Ted and Judy have established, and expand on those. 

4. What about Friends of Fieldworkers is special to you, what would you like our readers to know? 

Friends of Fieldworkers is close to my heart because I had so many farmworkers in my own family, grandparents, great-aunts and great-grandparents. Being that we are in Ventura County and surrounded by so many fields, it's impossible to go far without seeing fields full of hard working farmworkers. I think it's important for people to realize what an essential part of the Ventura County economy comes from agriculture, and how none of that would be remotely possible without the hard work of our farmworkers. Not only are they a vital part of our own economy, but the crops they harvest travel throughout most of the United States. I started out as a donor and then a volunteer, initially taking interest because of my own family ties to farmworkers. After volunteering, I could see how much heart was in this organization, and wanted more than anything to help them expand and bring more awareness to the plight of farmworkers. 

5. Why did you think it was important to become an organizational member of the CNL? What do you value most about your membership? 

Our Board of Directors is made up of all new members, so I feel it was very important for us to become members of the CNL and partake in their training course which we recently completed. We learned a lot of really valuable information during these training sessions and are already implementing them within our board. We value the available courses and materials, and being a part of a community of organizations that are serving so many communities in various ways. The CNL is also a very established and respected group so we are very happy to be members. 

6. How can the community support you? Where can they find you on social media? 

Volunteers with a heart to serve are a huge need as we expand our programs, and of course these programs wouldn't be possible without donors. Community members can donate on our website ; they can give one time or provide monthly commitments, all amounts are greatly appreciated. Businesses who would like to sponsor a Laundry Love can email me directly at President@FriendsofFieldworkers.org. We are also often sharing updates on both Instagram (@FriendsofFieldworkers), Facebook (@FriendsofFieldworkers), and a TikTok is in development. 

7. Anything else you would like to add? 

It isn't often that you find a community who works as hard and long as farmworkers, yet still struggle to afford daily necessities. We as a county and country benefit greatly from their backbreaking physical labor, yet give so little back in return. We hope that others will realize the significance farmworkers labor has on our economy and every day lives, and find it in their hearts to show their appreciation in some way.
