
Helping nonprofit leaders do better at doing good

Meet Organizational Member: Kids & Families Together

Tell us about your organization's mission.

David, his wife, Faith, and a family friend are co-founders of Kids & Families Together.  As President/CEO, David is passionate about keeping children out of the child welfare system and giving parents the tools and supports for the families to thrive. David has a diverse entrepreneurial background which includes owning gift stores, being a toymaker and property developer. David is on the Advisory Board of California Lutheran’s Center for Nonprofit Leadership and is on the Executive Board of the Ventura County Partnership for Safe Families and Communities.  
Our mission at Kids & Families Together, is to strengthen relationships and provide safe, supportive help and education that keeps families emotionally connected to one another. Children who have experienced trauma, abuse, neglect, loss, grief, and multiple placements often need extraordinary care, understanding, and “attachment-focused” therapeutic interventions. Parents and caregivers need specialized education, support, and strategies that will enhance their ability to raise safe, healthy, and nurtured children.
What’s happening at your organization—any recent highlights, milestones or upcoming events? 

In January of next year, we will be celebrating our 20th anniversary!

This fiscal year launched four new programs:

Supporting Adoptive Families Through Education (SAFE): Support and psychoeducation for pre and post adoptive families with children form the Ventura County Child Welfare System. Families learn about attachment, trauma, therapeutic parenting, grief and loss, child development, resilience, self-care, adoption specific issues, and more. As part of this contract, we also have the SAFE Reconnection Program, which is for older adopted youth and adults who would like support and guidance searching for and reconnecting with their birth family.

Parent & Education Support: Parents who are at risk of having their children removed may be referred to work with parent educators who support them in developing key life and parenting skills.

Parents Advocate Services: In this program, Parent Partners, para-professionals who have had the experience of being involved in child welfare and successfully reunified with their children have a chance to support parents who are currently in those same circumstances.

Family Evaluation Services: This program will go into homes evaluating future loving, acceptable, and stable resource families (foster parents) that will open their hearts and homes for some of the most vulnerable children in Ventura County.

We are excited to announce a new and exciting benefit event for Kids & Families Together, called, “A Home for the Holidays.” This event will take place on Saturday, November 23 from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. at the Top of the Harbor room at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, located in Ventura, CA. NBC weatherman, Fritz Coleman, will host and help us honor National Adoption Month by celebrating adoptive families in Ventura County and those who support them on their journey.

What about your organization is particularly special to you, what would you like our readers to know?

Kids & Families Together strives to create and nurture a culture that honors diversity as a core value. We want to support authenticity where both staff and clients feel seen, heard and valued for their uniqueness. 

Why did you think it was important to become an organizational member and/or donor?

As both a donor and organizational member, I believe that the kind of services provided by the NPL is vital for the health and longevity of nonprofits. It is difficult to imagine how Kids & Families Together could have thrived without all the learnings and support of NPL.

What do you value most about your membership? 

The opportunity to provide Kids & Families Together board and staff with the various classes. Also, I appreciate the support of NPL staff and the networking opportunities. 
