
Helping nonprofit leaders do better at doing good

Meet Organizational Member, Community Conscience

The basics!

Robin Britt, Executive Director, Community Conscience

Tell us about yourself and your organization’s Mission:

As the Executive Director of Community Conscience, part of my job is property management of the Human Services Center owned and operated by our non-profit where we provide rent free space to 13 charities. My office is located at the building, so I see people coming day after day in need of assistance.  Most of them are really struggling, some have small children in tow, some are carrying everything they own, some are injured, grieving, hungry, or victims of poverty, and abuse.  They all need help. 

Community Conscience fosters partnerships and maximum coordination of services between agencies and those who need their services.  The charities in our building work as allies, referring clients to each other.  We meet with our tenants bi-monthly to have a round table discussion about how to better assist those seeking assistance. We strive to make an impact on the community by providing a place for anyone to get the help they need.

The clients that visit our building are met with courtesy, dignity, and respect. They find hope and are offered assistance to make real changes in order to better their lives.  I have seen many regular visitors begin to stand up straight, groomed and smiling, after receiving services here.  It has touched my heart and I am in a constant state of gratitude to be able to contribute to this remarkable organization.

Why did you think it was important to become an organizational member of the Center for Nonprofit Leadership?

CLU has been a supporter of our organization for many years. It was important to join the Center for Nonprofit Leadership and its efforts to assist local non-profits’ staff, volunteers, and professionals to ensure there are opportunities for education and advancement for the entire non-profit sector.  They share our vision of making it easier for us all to work together to assist those who need services. 

What do you value most about your membership?

Community Conscience trustees are committed to the continual growth of our organization and are very involved in every aspect.  Many times this past year, when I have attended a workshop, one of our Trustees would also attend.  Informational materials are emailed after every workshop, making it easy to share what we learned with others. This gave way to really positive growth and teamwork.

In addition, our clients are the charities that are housed in our building, so being able to network with dozens of non-profits at each event is a tremendous benefit, especially when we have an open space to fill in our building.


What would you tell others who are thinking of becoming members?

We have found our membership pays for itself in benefits.  Besides the workshops that teach us how to maximize our efforts, there are also events where we learn from a panel of experts.  I have made lasting, valuable contacts at these gatherings.

Make sure to fill out those surveys!  There is a whole team of talented CLU students that are listening to our needs and fulfilling them with classes on a vast variety of subjects.

The Center for Nonprofit Leadership has brought the non-profit sector together in a meaningful way this past year. Large or small, inexperienced or seasoned, all charities can reap the benefits of membership.  


