
Helping nonprofit leaders do better at doing good

Nate Swanson - A Moment of Reflection with the CNL

Nate Swanson

This month of May, I have been given the opportunity to reflect on my year spent with the Center for Nonprofit Leadership as a Program Assistant. There are so many excellent memories and experiences to choose from, but I will try to highlight a timeline of what has led me to where I stand today.

I became interested in joining the CNL after some searching for a student position. Studying political science, I wanted to find a role on my campus that would help me in my experience going forward past the completion of my degree. After interviewing with Dena, I knew that this was a special place that took my interests to heart. When I came in to work for my first day, I knew I wanted to help here just as much as I knew they would help me.

The team of Dena, Brewster and Alex made sure I always had the opportunities needed to put my best foot forward in my education in the classroom, but also my education of the nonprofit sector and organizations in the community. Being a part of this team is what I have enjoyed most. Without these wonderful people, I would not be able to stand and look back at my path knowing I got the most out of my time here.

Looking back at my experience, I can say I have learned a great deal of information about what it means to be a part of a nonprofit organization. Skills like cultivating relationships with donors, hosting events, and facilitating workshops are all unique tools that I have learned here and can carry with me throughout my career. Seeing the excellent work of nonprofits in my area inspires me to do my best constantly, and not just for myself, but the people in my community as well. I hope to see these organizations continue to do the good work they set out to do and continue to inspire my generation to let them know they can have a hand in change.

Nate Swanson, Program Assistant
