
Helping nonprofit leaders do better at doing good

Meet Faculty Member, Patricia Schwartz

The Basics!

Patricia Schwartz, Principal, Schwartz Associates

How long have you been a faculty member of the Center for Nonprofit Leadership faculty and/or teaching in general? What do you enjoy most about serving as faculty/teaching?

I have been with the Center over the past 12 years, have been a trainer and teacher for leaders like you for 30+ years, and an executive coach for 20 years.

I enjoy supporting community leaders like you, as you help strengthen the fabric of good will in the world. I enjoy creating an environment where you can learn both from me and from one another, and I can learn from you! I love when you have an “aha” moment that impacts your next steps, and creates a higher level of empowerment. I also like demystifying major donor cultivation and stakeholder engagement in general.

What workshop/event do you have coming up?  What can attendees expect?  Why should people register to attend?

I’m excited about the workshop I have coming up: Relationship Building for Prosperityâ„  Program: Essential Steps to Cultivating Your Major Donors on June 19th from 9 a.m to 1:30 p.m. at National University.

I’ll bet you don’t get excited and think “how fun” when you think about cultivating major donors, right?!

However, past students tell me that this workshop:

  • uncovers ways to customize major donor cultivation they hadn’t previously realized
  • connects them to their values, best experiences and what is important about their work and organization
  • connects them to others in a fun way
  • makes them realize their natural abilities
  • increases their confidence in fundraising
  • gives them a specific structure, tools and plans

You will walk away with action steps to take back home to move forward with donors, board members (and other stakeholders) on your funding priorities in a methodical, supported way.

If you are a more experienced nonprofit professional, executive director, development director or board member who is ready to take your major donor program to the next level: to build on the successes of current fundraising, this workshop is for you.

How would you describe your teaching/facilitation style?  What do your students say about you?

Students have said my style is interactive, warm, positive, passionate, knowledgeable, insightful and inspirational.

Here are quotes from 2 past workshop participants:

  •  "… thank you for the wonderful presentation you gave… I am looking forward to putting some of your advice into practice.”
  • Another student said, "Thank you for leading this course in such as inspirational way.”

Anything additional you would like to add?

If you have some experience with major donor fundraising, have major donors to cultivate and you would you like to use your staff and committee’s time in a highly productive and engaging way, this workshop is for you.

I have created an interactive model based on noticing what helps nonprofit leaders be excited, confident and successful in engaging their donors and boards, leading to raising more money! It’s called the Relationship Building for Prosperityâ„  Stakeholder Engagement Model. We will use it and the practical, fun, hands on tools associated with it in the session.

Learning yields a rich return on investment that empowers us as the pace of change accelerates around us. 

We are lucky to have the Center for Nonprofit Leadership as a leader itself in providing diverse and supportive learning and community networking opportunities for the nonprofit sector!
