
Helping nonprofit leaders do better at doing good

Meet Faculty Member Gloria Miele

The Center for Nonprofit Leadership is thrilled to offer a lenghty roster of high-caliber workshop leaders. We invite you to learn more about our staff with monthly profiles. This month we connect with faculty member Gloria Miele, Ph.D., Training, Coaching and Professional Development, .

How long have you been a member of the Center for Nonprofit Leadership faculty? What do you enjoy most about serving as faculty?

I've been involved with the center for about 3 years but have spent most of my career doing training in the nonprofit (mostly academic and health care research) sector. The Center gives me a chance to spend time in a learning environment with a room full of dedicated, passionate "do-gooders" who want to improve themselves and their organizations. What's better than that?! I'm always so energized after teaching or attending CNL courses, and I do both on a regular basis.  I've learned so much and met the most amazing people through the Center. Priceless!

What workshop do you have coming up?  What can attendees expect?  Why should people register to attend?  

I'm excited to be co-presenting with my "separated at birth" friend and collaborator, acting and writing coach, Kim Maxwell, on "Designing & Delivering Effective Presentations." Whether you do formal presentations for prospective donors or want to brush up on your public speaking skills, this workshop is for you. We'll do a variety of exercises to help participants tap into their creativity, find their voice and provide opportunities to develop practical skills in a playful environment.

How would you describe your teaching/facilitation style? What do your students say about you?

Years of teaching, training and learning in higher education and clinical research taught me to up my game to engage adult learners, especially when the subject matter was dry and highly technical. My teaching style is lighthearted, interactive and hands-on, with a mix of research-based strategies, a focus on strengths, and opportunities to think through and practice how learning can be applied. This testimonial sums it up nicely: “Gloria brings a unique blend of expertise, warmth, humor, and teaching skill to her presentations. The ability to convey information in a way that people can absorb is an art – and one in which Gloria excels.”

Anything additional you would like to add? 

Great leaders are lifelong learners, and the Center for Nonprofit Leadership provides a host of opportunities for continued learning for the nonprofit community. I hope to meet more of you at a workshop or seminar in the near future. 
