
Helping nonprofit leaders do better at doing good

Faculty Spotlight: Katie Deutschman

The basics!

Katie Deutschman, CEO, Turtle Type, Inc.

How long have you been a faculty member of the Center for Nonprofit Leadership faculty and/or teaching in general? What do you enjoy most about serving as faculty/teaching?

I started teaching in 2005 at the Ventura County Community Foundation.  I have had the honor of serving on the faculty at the Center for Nonprofit Leadership since it opened at CLU in 2016.

What workshop/event do you have coming up?  What can attendees expect?  Why should people register to attend?

I have a few workshops coming up:

  • Intro to Proposal Writing
  • Intermediate Proposal Writing
  • Perfecting the Pitch

People who attend these workshops will build their skills related to identifying the best grant opportunities for their mission, preparing competitive grant proposals, and asking donors for money. If you organization needs to secure contributed revenue, these courses may be of interest to you. All three of these workshops offer hands on application of concepts – participants will learn and apply new skills.

People who participate in these workshops will have an opportunity to build new skills or enhance an existing skill set.  They will also meet other people from the nonprofit sector who are grappling with similar needs and challenges. The Center’s workshops offer us a great chance to build our knowledge and our tribe.

How would you describe your teaching/facilitation style?  What do your students say about you?

Learning should be fun, so we laugh a bit in my workshops.  Learning should be applicable to the real work that we all do, so I use real examples from nonprofits in a variety of sectors. Learning should yield tangible results, so we look to leave the writing workshops with a product – a draft of a grant section or a more complete proposal is always a sign of time well spent in a grant-writing course.

Anything else you'd like to add?

We all benefit form Center for Nonprofit Leadership and the professional development it offers.  Sign up for a class. Attend an event. Listen to a speaker. Become a member! Please, support our Center so it can continue to support all of us.
