
Helping nonprofit leaders do better at doing good

Why First 5?

First 5 Ventura County focuses on the First 5 Years because 90% of a child’s brain development happens before age 5. “Early experiences affect how the brain develops, shaping how children learn, behave, and grow,” according to the Center for the Developing Child at Harvard University. Science confirms what parents and early educators can see – the more you Talk, Read, and Sing to a child, the greater their success in school and in life.

Only 58% of children 0 – 5 in Ventura County are read to daily. The goal of our Take 5 and Read to Kids! campaign is to encourage and enable everyone to read to their children daily.

On May 4th at 10 a.m., more than fifty-five local celebrity readers will be reading to young children ages 0 – 5 throughout Ventura County to kick off the third annual Take 5 and Read to Kids campaign. The impressive lineup of readers who have committed to taking time out of their day to promote the importance of reading early to young children includes Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, Assemblymember Dante Acosta, County Supervisors and Mayors, County Executive Officer Mike Powers, Sheriff Geoff Dean, Fire Chief Mark Lorenzen, Ventura County Superintendent of Schools Stan Mantooth, nonprofit executives, and many others.

Take 5 and Read to Kids! is a partnership between the Ventura County Star and First 5 Ventura County to raise awareness about the importance of early childhood literacy.  Economic research shows that early investments in children have high rates of return – as literacy rates increase, so does GDP.

What can you do? Become a champion for early literacy! Volunteer to read at a local preschool or library. Make a donation at to help us purchase books so that every child in attendance at a Take 5 and Read to Kids! event will have a bilingual book to read at home. Most importantly, take the time to Talk Read and Sing to young children.

Please contact Lauren Arzu larzu@first5ventura.org for more information.
