
Helping nonprofit leaders do better at doing good

Meet Organizational Member: Ventura College Foundation

The Basics!

Anne Paul King
Ventura College Foundation
Executive Director

Tell us about yourself, and your organization’s mission

I have been in the non-profit sector for 24 years at both local and national levels.  At my core, I am a fundraiser and a change agent.  The Ventura College Foundation supports the students and programs at Ventura College and I measure my success by how well we deliver on that mission.  We do this through our programs that provide increased access to Ventura College, support students with textbook lending programs and scholarships, and help to launch students into their next chapter through corporate internship opportunities and transfer scholarships.

What’s happening at the Ventura College Foundation—any recent highlights, milestones or upcoming events? 

In partnership with Ventura College, we are working hard to close equity gaps, ensure equal access to education, and enable students to successfully complete their educational goals.  We have just completed 11 years delivering our Promise program—annually ensuring that the education fees are covered for 800-1000 recent high school graduates in Ventura County during their first year at Ventura College.  Our studies have shown that these students are 70% more likely to complete their education in four-years than their non-Promise cohort.  The state has just funded a statewide initiative to provide this benefit to first year full-time students in all qualified colleges in the 114 California Community College system and our Promise results were imbedded in the language of Assembly Bill 19 that was ultimately passed to create this program.

What about the Ventura College Foundation is particularly special to you, what would you like our readers to know? 

Seventy percent of our 13,000 students live under the poverty line, 40% of our students are the first in their families to go to college, 30% of our students are food insecure, 18% of our students are housing insecure, many students have multiple jobs, and yet they come to school to improve their lives and those of their families.  It is an honor to facilitate providing additional financial support to these hard working students to help them succeed.  Together, students, the campus community and the VC Foundation donors, we are helping to solve poverty every day through education.  This is extraordinary work.  In addition, our transfer students are going to UC Santa Barbara, Cal State Channel Islands, UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, UC Davis, USC, Cal State Northridge, Cal State Long Beach, Ivy League schools as well as many other great institutions.  These students are changing the quality of life for all of us in Ventura County.

Why did you think it was important to become an organizational member and/or donor of the Center for Nonprofit Leadership? 

This is one of the best organizations in the county to facilitate sustainable success in serving our non-profit missions.  Continuing education and networking is essential for my staff and board to deliver effective annual results and improve in the lives of those we serve.  Sophisticated and professional standards and practices are vital the Ventura College Foundation and across the non-profit sector in Ventura County—the stakes are too high to settle for anything less.

What do you value most about your membership? 

Ensuring my team’s access to the highest quality trainers and continuing education to enable their success in their jobs.

Anything else you’d like to add? 

It is important to adequately support the Center for Non-Profit Leadership both professionally and personally.
