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CERF Honored at the Pacific Coast Business Times' Annual Latino Business Awards Event

On July 20th, our team at the Center for Economic Research and Forecasting (CERF) - Matthew Fienup (Executive Director) and Dan Hamilton (Director of Economics) were honored (along with co-investigators David Hayes-Bautista and Paul Hsu of UCLA) at the Pacific Coast Business Times' annual Latino Business Awards event. The team around Matthew was honored for their groundbreaking work on the Latino GDP at the metro, state, and national levels that has received wide attention over several years. CERF's research has repeatedly shown the impressive extent to which the U.S. economy depends on the contribution of the Latino population - a great fit with the university's federal designation of a "Hispanic Serving Institution" (HSI). At the same time, CERF was also an organization finalist at the San Fernando Valley Business Journal's 2023 Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Awards.
