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2021 Paths to Professionalism

Recently, close to 100 students participated in this year's virtual Paths to Professionalism event. The event featured conversations with guest panelists Rob Machado (President and COO, Mars City Design and former Head of Strategy for Disney Theme Parks), Gabriela Ramirez '11 (Senior Accountant, PBS Biotech) and Marc Francois '09 (VP of Development, SeaGlass Hospitality), masterfully conducted by student Makenna Alter who, together with students Bridget Caffrey and Kelvin Hau Canche was leading the design, planning, and execution of the event. The interview-style conversations were followed by table discussions hosted by recent School of Management alumni who generously gave their time to help students with their questions about career preparation between industry needs and their own passions. Many thanks go to Stefan Cosentino for his leadership as well as Susan Wood, Jennifer Valladares, and Chris Baldwin for event logistics. For more information on the event click here.
