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Annual PRiME Competition

In April, public voting for projects submitted to our annual PRiME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) Competition was open, and culminated in an awards ceremony on April 28. From the list of 14 finalists, three received an honorable mention (Autodesk by Emily Crosby; Utopia by Emily Esserman, Gabriel Geesey, Clara Logan, and Jorge Membreno; and LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Education by Erin Niemi). 2ndPlace went to "Beginning to Save: Rationality, Financial Knowledge, and Saving Behavior" by Anne Wittig, 1st Place to "The Conflict on Water: Northern California Farmers Perceptions of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act" by Hope Ramos and the Grand Prize was awarded to "Leading Ladies by a team consisting of Anna Gallo, Alexa Macaluso, and Melissa Wasylewski. This year's People’s Choice Award drew 4,966 votes from 38 states in the US and 38 countries on six continents. This award went to "Words for the World by Corealle Locey, Siqi Luo, and Gitika Bowry. More information is available from our where you can also access all submitted and - of course - awarded projects. Special thanks go to the lead organizers Valeria Makarova and Susan Wood.
