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CERF calculates impact of Latino economy

After having been recognized by the Wall Street Journal as a member of its panel of economic forecasters earlier this year, our Center for Economic Research and Forecasting (CERF) is earning more accolades.

Under the leadership of Professors Matthew Fienup (Executive Director) and Dan Hamilton (Director of Economics), CERF has recently received a contract in the amount of US$ 190,000 by the Latino Donor Collaborative for the "Latino GDP Project" - research that will calculate the impact of the Hispanic population on the United States Economy.

Based on earlier research, the Latino share in the economy will account for approximately one-quarter of the entire US Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by next year. The Latino GDP is growing 70% faster than the non-Latino GDP, and if the Latino GDP were to represent a sovereign nation, it would be the 7th largest economy globally. The results from CERF's study are expected in September this year.
