
Living-Learning Communities

What is a Living-Learning Community?

Living-Learning Communities (LLCs) are specialized living environments that cater to students who share similar interests or majors. LLCs provide a unique opportunity for students to learn both inside and outside of the classroom.

Benefits of participating in an LLC include:

  • Opportunities to form connections with peers who share similar academic and personal interests
  • Increased interaction with faculty and staff across campus
  • Participation in community retreats and service-learning projects related to students' major or area of interest
  • Easily form study groups and work on class projects in the residence hall by living nearby other students in your classes
  • Form your personal "home away from home" through membership in a specialized residential community on campus

Honors LLC Logo

University Honors Living-Learning Community

For First-Year Students

Location: Mt. Clef Hall
Additional requirements: Acceptance into the University Honors Program

Residence Life has partnered with the University Honors Program to offer the University Honors Living-Learning Community for incoming first-year students. Students in the University Honors LLC will connect with peers who they share classes and a residence hall with, allowing for immediate social integration into the campus community. Acceptance  into the University Honors Program is required for participation. Interested students should indicate their interest in being part of the University Honors LLC on their housing application. Students who are selected to live in the University Honors LLC will be notified via email in July. 

Maya in the LLC

Living in a hallway with friends and peers while sharing classes creates a much quicker and stronger bond. In our LLC, the level of attention and support for one another's well-being is evident — it feels more family-like than a regular residential life situation.

Maya Goehner, Political Science major

GLC Logo

Global Leaders Community

For Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Students

Location:Kramer Court
Additional requirements: Participation in the GLC retreat and service-learning program participation 

Residence Life has partnered with the Center for Global Engagement to offer the Global Leaders Community (GLC) in Kramer Court. If you have studied abroad, are interested in education abroad, have a major or minor in Global Studies or Languages and Cultures, are an international or exchange student, or simply have a desire to learn about and from different cultures, the Global Leaders Community is for YOU! Interested students can apply to the GLC by indicating their interest on their housing application. 

Jonathan in the LLC

The GLC is unique because from the get-go, you know you share at least one common interest with everyone else: exploring the globe. This makes it easy to get to know people. I truly couldn't imagine myself living on campus any other way.

Jonathan Cejoco, Sophomore, Computer Science and Music major

STEM logo

STEM Living-Learning Community

For First-Year, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior STEM Students:

Location:Conejo Hall
Additional requirements: Major or minor in STEM subjects

For students majoring or minoring in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math (STEM), Cal Lutheran offers the STEM Living-Learning Community. Living in the STEM LLC allows students to more frequently interact with peers and faculty members in their discipline, enabling them to easily form study groups. Additionally, STEM-focused programming provided by Residence Life staff and faculty members allows for integrated learning between the classroom and residence hall. Interested students can apply to the STEM LLC by indicating interest on their housing application. Beginning in the 2023-2024 academic year, the STEM LLC will be a blended community housing first-year, transfer, and continuing students.

Reyna in the LLC

Residing in the STEM LLC allows for that smaller, tight-knit community that you wouldn't find elsewhere. It's also easier to connect with people who share your major. While living here, I've had plenty of study sessions where we collaborate in order to have a better understanding of our coursework.

Reyna Rodriguez, Junior, Computer Science major, Multimedia minor

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to live in an LLC?

There is no additional fee for living in an LLC. Students simply pay the housing rate of the residence hall they are living in. 

Why should I apply to be part of an LLC?

Beyond the benefits listed above, students who are interested in living in an LLC also benefit from having their housing assignment finalized prior to the spring suite selection process. Additionally, studies show that students who participate in Living-Learning Communities on campus typically have higher GPAs as compared to their residential peers. 

Can I choose my roommates in the LLC?

We are more than happy to accommodate roommate requests as space allows. However, please note that each individual student applying to live in the LLC must complete the appropriate supplemental application.

Are there additional requirements for students who live in the LLCs?

It depends on the LLC! Specific expectations will be listed on the LLC application. Examples of LLC expectations include participation in retreats, experiential learning projects, or membership in a particular academic program. Beyond these specific expectations, students should play an active role in their LLC by attending programs, study groups, or other opportunities offered by Resident Assistants and departments on campus.

How do I access the LLC application?

Students who would like to apply for one of the LLCs simply need to indicate their interest on the general housing application. Students will be asked to complete a short supplemental question on their application, which will be reviewed by Residence Life staff.

When can I expect to hear if I'm accepted to the LLC I applied to?

If you are a sophomore, junior, or senior student, you will be notified if you are accepted into the LLC prior to suite selection. 

If you are not accepted into the LLC you applied to, we will keep your name on an interest list in case space becomes available. However, you will also need to participate in the suite selection process to secure a room for the following academic year. 

New first-year and transfer students who are accepted into an LLC will learn of their acceptance when housing assignments are released on August 1st.

What if I want to live in an LLC, but don't see one related to my major/area of interest?

Please reach out to reslife@CalLutheran.edu to share your idea. Residence Life would love to hear from you if you would like to see other LLCs on-campus! 

Who do I contact if I have additional questions?

Please reach out to Residence Life at reslife@CalLutheran.edu. We will be happy to answer your questions via email or set up a meeting to further discuss LLCs!

How do LLCs differ from themed housing?

In addition to LLCs, we offer a housing option for University Themed Houses. Themed houses are interdependent, student-created communities that celebrate common interests, passions, and shared identities. Students who reside in a themed house are required to fulfill a program requirement which must be offered to the campus community.