
Praying with Icons

Instead of praying with your eyes closed, pray with your eyes wide open while viewing an icon. Icons have often been called a "window on heaven" or a way to pray with your eyes. This ancient practice of contemplative prayer focuses on being in God's presence and letting God speak. Focus not on what is seen in the icon but what can be seen through it about God's love through what the image visually communicates.

A few icons are available in the Meditation Chapel for your use.

The Process

Select an icon to contemplate, then follow these steps:

  1. Visio: Taking the image in- take a few quiet moments to look at the picture
  2. Meditation: Where is your eye drawn? Focus on this area and hold it in your heart.
    • Consider how this component touches your life
    • Consider if there is an invitation here for you today
  3. Prayer: You might chose quiet prayer, or you can pray through art mediums in the room
  4. Contemplation: Allow your prayers to come to an end and spend some time in the presence of God.