
August 22-23, 2025

Helpful Tips

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The most helpful tips for a successful transition to life at Cal Lutheran come directly from current students:

Living on Campus

"Put yourself out there, try something new that you've never done before, and never doubt your abilities on campus!" -Andres Elvira ‘18

"Make sure to set some boundaries and make some agreements with your roommates early on in the year to make living with each other easier." -Francine Aclan '23

"When you are living in the Res Halls don't be afraid to go next door and say hi. A simple hey or how's it going could be a gateway into creating a lifelong friendship." -Grace Cornejo '22

Commuting to Campus

"As a commuter, you have to take the initiative to build your own friendships, so find something to get involved in that gets you excited to come to campus. It is important to find your niche regardless of how far you live." - Angela Cuzic ‘18

"Show up 15 minutes before your class and park in the general lot. If the general lot is full, the gym parking lot always has plenty of spaces." -Devin Romines '21

Getting Involved

"Getting involved has really made my CLU experience incredible. From being a tour guide, to being a peer advisor, to playing intramurals, to dancing at halftime at the homecoming football game. All these things are really what have made me truly love my experience at CLU and allowed me to meet so many great people!" -Austin Gregory '22

"Student Life hosts various events that provide you an opportunity to meet new people and who can potentially become your second family. Clubs and other offices on campus host events as well and it provides with you a way to get to know the campus and meet new people who are interested in similar things as you." -Melissa Dennin '22

Life as an International Student

"Talk to everyone and anyone with no fear because everyone is in the same boat, and they will be very friendly and fun to meet" -Michelle Handal ‘19

"It was not as hard as I thought...I thought it would be really hard to make friends but there are so many nice and kind people at CLU. Professors really care about students and take care of international students sincerely." -Joonggun (Andy) Ahn ‘14