
Safe Zone Allies

Safe zone

Safe Zone trainings are provided for students, faculty, and staff who are interested in learning about and demonstrating support for the presence of a culturally diverse campus that embraces underrepresented groups. The training provides a special emphasis on the LGBTQIA+ community.

Safe Zone Goals

  • To establish a university-wide network of identifiable allies who can provide support, information, and assistance to those who are coping with hardships, especially those who identify as sexual or gender minorities.
  • To educate members of the Cal Lutheran community about the needs of LGBTQIA individuals and groups who tend to receive less public support.
  • To foster an atmosphere of support for the academic, personal, social, and professional success of all students, regardless of their cultural identities.
  • To advance the university’s progress toward a campus climate free of discrimination, oppression, and harassment. This is also in-line with the University's current strategic goal of Inclusion.

What is an Ally?

An ally works to end oppression and discrimination through support and advocacy by:

  • Educating themselves and others about their own privileges and biases.
  • Staying committed and active in creating equality.
  • Acting as a “safe person” for members of underrepresented groups.
  • Creating and promoting inclusive and welcoming environments.
  • Working to confront negative attitudes and unequal treatment of people based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, race, class, ability, age, spirituality, and other personal or cultural characteristics.
  • Modeling self-awareness in their behaviors and attitudes.
  • Expressing self-compassion and compassion toward others. 

Safe Zone Allies at Cal Lutheran


Interested in Becoming a Safe Zone Ally?

 CAPS holds annual Safe Zone trainings for students, faculty, and staff. Trainings are typically scheduled during fall semesters. 

If you have a group of 10-22 individuals interested in becoming Safe Zone Allies, please contact us at 805-493-3727.