
FERPA and Grades

Parents and families often want to stay apprised of their student's grades and other academic progress, but federal laws require that this information be kept confidential unless the student files paperwork allowing parents access.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, (FERPA, also known as the Buckley Amendment) is a federal law which allows students the right to inspect their education records and provides that colleges and universities will maintain the confidentiality of those records.

According to law, no one outside the institution will have access to a student's education records, nor will the institution disclose information from those records without the student's written consent. Exceptions include cases of emergency and personal safety, and to notify parents of changes in their student's academic standing.


Cal Lutheran will notify families if...

  1. There has been a change in a student's academic standing—specifically, if the student is placed on probation or suspension, or has been removed from those statuses.
  2. There is a situation that threatens the safety and security of the student.

In all other instances, we expect the student to inform parents directly. If you have questions about your son's or daughter's educational record or experiences in the residence halls, you may phone the appropriate office and we will determine what information we can release and/or attempt to help you get the information you need. As a general rule, when you have a question, please call us at 805-493-3105.

The Parent Portal: Access to Academics

The Parent Portal website, part of the MyCLU Portal, will give parents viewing access to the information listed below. If students wish to allow their parents access, they must complete the digital Parent/Guardian Portal Authorization Form on the Registrar's form page to authorize the University to do so. Students may choose to grant access for up to two people.

Information available to parents:
  • Semester Grade Report
  • Academic Difficulty Notices
  • Semester Class Schedule
  • Academic Summary:
    • Overall GPA
    • CLU GPA
    • Total Credits Completed
  • Graduation Date from application (for graduating seniors)

Students may choose to remove access at any time by submitting the appropriate form to the Registrar's Office. Access to the Parent Portal will be automatically removed upon graduation or if the student becomes inactive.

Please contact the Registrar's Office with questions at 805-493-3105 or clureg@CalLutheran.edu.