The attorneys at  deal directly with individuals going through difficult family matters that include divorce and disputes about children including custody and child support. Our family law firm sees the struggles that accompany these situations and we strive to provide our clients with the support and compassion to that empowers our clients to face them. With a focus on collaboration and enhanced understanding, we make it a priority to reach fair solutions that keep the priorities of  all parties in mind, in particular the needs and best interests of any children involved. When a divorce involves children, the experience can have lasting effects but these aren’t always negative as many people expect.

In order to recognize individuals who have used their childhood experience of growing up in a divorced or single parent household, we are proud to introduce The Child of Divorce/Single Parent Household Scholarship. Students interested in applying for this $1,200 scholarship must write a 750 word essay discussing how their personal experience being raised by a single parent or growing up with divorced parents challenged the social stigma and created a prosperous environment that helped shape who they are today. One student will be selected to receive this scholarship award to be put towards their educational goals and aspirations.

Scholarship Eligibility

Students must meet the following requirements in order to apply for The Child of Divorce/Single Parent Household Scholarship. 


  • Must be currently enrolled in a graduate, undergraduate, or law program at an accredited college or university within the United States. High school seniors who are graduating before the deadline and have been accepted to/enrolled in a degree program are also eligible.
  • Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Applicants must be able to address the scholarship topic pertaining to individuals who are the product of a single parent or divorced household.

Scholarship Application

A completed application for this scholarship must include three primary elements. 

  • A current official or unofficial academic transcript from their most recent academic institution.
  • A resume with updated contact and education information.
  • A 750 word essay discussing how your personal experience being raised in a single parent or divorced household challenged social stigma and created a prosperous environment.


Scholarship applications must be submitted by email to on or before the November 30, 2024 deadline. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.