
Membership Levels

Becoming a member of the Community Leaders Association is an excellent way to support our mission.

Join or renew your membership

Regular Membership

$50 - Single
 - Family (includes two people)

Members of the community, parents of Cal Lutheran students, and alumni are invited to join the Community Leaders Association in the Regular Membership category. Regular Members are entitled to free admission to most campus theatre and musical productions, lectures, and athletic activities. They also have the opportunity to join the Gilbert Sports and Fitness Center on campus. Additionally, members in this category will receive the Cultural Events Calendar and CLU Magazine.

Business and Professional Membership


Business and professional organizations are encouraged to join the Association to access these benefits!

  • Showcase your business as service-minded and promote your company with your website link on our website
  • Connect with Community Leaders Association businesses
  • Meet students who could become your hiring talent pipeline
  • Benefit from CLA member-only events
  • Utilize Pearson Library resources, receive discounts at the Campus Store
  • Access exclusive membership to Forrest Fitness Center and Pool for additional annual Fitness fee for three members and spouses
  • Empower students to achieve their goals

Honorary Membership

Determined by the Board of Directors

Honorary lifetime membership in the Community Leaders Association is bestowed upon distinguished persons who have made extraordinary service or contributions to the Community Leaders Association and/or the University. Honorary Members receive a complimentary subscription to CLU Magazine, numerous opportunities to network with other members, Cal Lutheran students, faculty, and staff, as well as invitations and monthly email alerts for all our sponsored events.