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Students may receive a maximum of 4 credits in a semester (or summer) and may take a total of no more than a total of 8 credits in internships during their course of study Credit for each course is determined by the Internship Instructor/Coordinator and Department Chair For additional information refer to Cooperative Education Program Requirements form available at the Career Center. Locating Internship sites: Best done by connecting with an organization that you know or are interested in. Students can register for referrals to possible internship opportunities and receive assistance with resumes and interest letters through from the Career Center  HYPERLINK "/students/career-services/" /students/career-services/ Possible internship opportunities may also be available through the Lutheran Studying Abroad program (particularly for students interested in federal public safety agencies there are some opportunities in Washington DC)  HYPERLINK "http://www.callutheran.edu/students/study-abroad/" http://www.callutheran.edu/students/study-abroad/ If you need additional assistance in locating an internship from the Internship Instructor/Coordinator you should be prepared to specify: Your area of interest police, probation law, social services, working with youth, etc If you are interested in working at a criminal justice agency you will need to start early because of the background process at most agencies (if you have issues in your background you may want to determine your ability to work at some locations before applying) Indicate the locations where you can work such as East County, Ventura, L.A. area etc. CJ 492, Work/Career Experience Registration: Once you locate a potential internship obtain approval for your internship from the Internship Academic Advisor. After approval go to  HYPERLINK "http://www.callutheran.edu/students/career-services/jobs-internships/about-internships.html" \t "_blank" http://www.callutheran.edu/students/career-services/jobs-internships/about-internships.html and click on the link in step 2 under the How can I earn academic credit section. Provide the information requested and, once submitted, the internship will be approved for registration as well as credit. Guidelines for written paper: The internship program in criminal justice provides an opportunity for students to integrate their experience outside the classroom with the concepts, ideas and issues acquired in academia. Students majoring in Criminal Justice not only have the opportunity to develop broad expertise in a number of related fields (sociology, psychology, political science. law, public administration) but also to appreciate the linkages between these fields. Knowledge acquired in the classroom from specific administration of justice courses enables the student to view and synthesize a broad spectrum of information from different perspectives. This training and ability is highly valued in the working world. Participating in an internship can assist the student in developing a strong background in theory through applica1ion, gaining a better understanding of career interests and options, enhancing communication skills and promoting personal growth. Criminal Justice internships offer a variety of placements to students who are interested in knowing more about the operation of public and private criminal justice agencies and, strategies and skills for dealing with offenders victims and practitioners. Academic credit for internships is not given for the work you perform in an internship nor for .the hours spent each week at the internship site: Instead, academic credit is awarded for the quality of the term paper, 18-20 pages in length for the basic two credit course, which is based on or connected in some significant way with the internship. Consequently, the selection of an appropriate topic is critical; it will determine whether the internship is academically creditable or not. Writing an analysis of the internship organization (goals, structure, staffing, clientele, techniques for delivering the service, etc.) is the most straightforward to way develop a creditable topic and term paper. By thoroughly understanding the organization the student should also understand a great deal about criminal justice. Similarly, a comparison of the placement organization with another agency providing similar services or facing comparable problems is an appropriate topic. For example, most probation departments cite crime prevention as a goal. There are also a number of private agencies (Boy's and Girls Clubs, Recreation and Parks, schools, substance abuse programs and facilities) that also cite crime prevention as a goal. . Evaluating the relative success of the two agencies and providing an analysis of the differences should help a student better understand a number of contemporary criminal justice issues. A third approach to choosing a term paper topic is to focus on a particular aspect of the internship in order to become knowledgeable about a specific issue, theory, practice or approach. This micro focus can be very rewarding since the student can develop real expertise about a subject, which is in some way connected to the internship organization or agency. There is really no limit to the topic or approach to writing the term paper based on an internship except the necessity for choosing a subject manageable within: the time and length constraints of the internship experience. A suggestion is to first consider topics about which you already have some knowledge. What are some of the related courses already completed? What are some of the subjects you have studied, which could now be the basis for a case Study? What theories or ideas have you learned in class that could be applied or tested in the internship? What class notes or bibliographies could you base your term paper on? Once you have thought through these things you should be able to come up with a suitable term paper topic. Additional Requirements: Participate in at least one Discussion Board session per semester focusing on the students experience related to the acquiring/participating in the internship and its application to their overall knowledge. This discussion will relate to the real world learning experience from the internship and complement the career development objectives of the Capstone class. At the conclusion of the internship please provide answers to the following questions at the end of the paper Approximately how many hours did you work? Were these paid or volunteer? What was the most beneficial experience during your internship? What do you feel is the most important thing that you accomplished through your internship? What do you feel was your most important contribution you made during the internship?     CRIM 492- Internship Guidelines Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 3 Rev. Spring 2016 Rev. 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