
Embracing Global Perspectives

Travel Petition Policy

A petition process is in place if you wish to pursue a special exemption to travel, during university Moratorium or Essential Status, or for travel to a high-risk destination during Traditional Status. 

Petition Process

Any travel during times of Travel Moratorium, Essential Travel, or to a high-risk destination during Traditional Travel requires special approval. Travelers will need to complete this travel petition to request their trip to be reviewed by the Travel Review Board.

Requests must be submitted as soon as feasible but no later than 10 business days prior to departure for domestic travel and one-month (25 business days) prior to departure for international travel. All petitions will require department approval.

  1. Travel Moratorium Request: Approval from Supervisor, Dean or administrative head, and VP.
  2. Essential Travel Request: Approval from Supervisor, Dean or administrative head, and VP or VP delegate.
  3. High-Risk Destinations during Traditional Travel Status: Approval from Supervisor

The Travel Review Board reviews petitions within two weeks upon submission. Official travel approval is not granted until the Travel Review Board has approved a petition.

Reminder: Only petitions with pre-authorized funding and the potential for VP endorsement (for Moratorium) should be submitted.