Aid Offer Letter Supplement Professionals
Next Steps
All financial aid recipients must review and adhere to Cal Lutheran’s policies regarding:
- Review this Supplement in its entirety
- Estimate Your Balance for the entire year using our online calculator found on our forms page
- Decide whether or not to borrow loans for the academic year
- Accept or Decline each award online
- Report any other financial assistance to the Office of Financial Aid
Email Communication
Please be advised that our method of communicating with students is through the email address assigned to you after admission to Cal Lutheran. Make sure to frequently check this email address or forward it to another email account in order to receive important information in a timely manner, including any changes made to your Financial Aid Offer.
General Eligibility
This Financial Aid Offer is an estimate. All awards are contingent on the accuracy of the information you provided to the University. Cal Lutheran reserves the right to change/cancel your offer in situations such as:
a) Receipt of additional financial resources
b) Change in Expected Family Contribution/Student Aid Index (EFC/SAI)
c) Incorrect information
d) Change in enrollment or housing
e) Failure to submit required documents
f) Failure to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Enrollment Requirements
Your Financial Aid Offer is based on your enrollment status each term (as indicated when you completed the Professionals Application for Financial Aid). Please note that if there is a change to your enrollment status, your aid offer may require a revision.
When a student completes the FAFSA they may get selected for Verification. The Office of Financial Aid will “verify” the information provided on the FAFSA matches the student’s (and spouse’s, if applicable) actual data on their tax returns and other documents. Students who are selected for Verification will be notified on their FAFSA and will receive an email from Cal Lutheran. Federal regulation requires to the Office of Financial Aid before your award can be disbursed.
Missing Documents
Through the financial aid section in , students can check for outstanding missing documents. If there are differences between your FAFSA and your financial documents, corrections may need to be submitted to the Department of Education and your award may change.
Important Policies for all Financial Aid Recipients
All financial aid recipients must review and adhere to Cal Lutheran’s policies regarding:
Directions to Accept or Decline your aid offers
Visit the Your Awards page for more details
Additional Steps & Deadlines for Loan Borrowers
Vist the Loan Process page for more details on additional steps.
Loan Application Deadline
The Priority Deadline to complete all steps to borrow loans is 10 days prior to the first day of classes. All loans require processing time before the funds will be ready to disburse. Students may receive loan funds for a term only if they are currently enrolled at least half-time in that term, and loan funds disburse prior to end of that term. If completion of required steps occurs after 10 business days prior to the end of the term, the Office of Financial Aid cannot guarantee that loan(s) will be processed/disbursed before the end of the eligible timeframe.
Awards Being Applied to Your Account
Financial Aid Disbursements
Financial aid is applied directly to your student account each term and will first be used to pay any outstanding charges to Cal Lutheran. In order for financial aid to be applied to your account all necessary applications and forms must be complete. Should the account not be paid in full after financial aid is applied [and you are not making payments through the Monthly Payment Plan (MPP)], or signed up for Employer Reimbursement, the outstanding balance will accrue interest on a monthly basis. Outstanding balance statements will be delivered to your Cal Lutheran email account.
Credit Balances and Institutional Refund Policy
If a student’s financial aid exceeds costs owed to Cal Lutheran, the student account will show a credit balance. A credit balance resulting from loans will be automatically refunded after all charges are assessed. If the credit comes from other financial aid sources, the student may request, in writing, a refund or permission to leave the funds on the student account for the following term within the academic year. The refund check will be sent via mail or directly deposited into an account if the student signs up for direct deposit. Any charges assessed after the refund is issued are the responsibility of the student.