
Helping nonprofit leaders do better at doing good
Jarrod  Schwartz

Jarrod Schwartz


Jarrod Schwartz is the Founder and Principal Consultant of Equity Praxis Group, LLC. Jarrod is an educator and consultant with more than 30 years of experience working with schools, universities & colleges, nonprofit organizations, businesses, government, and communities. 

Jarrod’s unique approach draws upon the fields of social justice and organization development to foster inclusive, multi-stakeholder processes that result in organizational, community, and social change. 

Before starting EPG, Jarrod served for almost 20 years as the founding Executive Director of Just Communities - a nonprofit organization dedicated to making the Central Coast of California a more inclusive and just region.

From the early to late 1990’s, as the Program Director for The National Conference for Community and Justice (NCCJ), Jarrod developed and led a comprehensive, multi-issue social justice leadership institute for youth that became a national model. He also led an initiative to dismantle racism in the St. Louis Region. In 2001, Jarrod was invited to California to launch a new NCCJ office to serve the communities of the Central Coast. In 2007, this organization became Just Communities.