
Helping nonprofit leaders do better at doing good
Meenal  Kelkar

Meenal Kelkar


Meenal Kelkar made the leap from a high stress corporate background to successful entrepreneur teaching stress reduction techniques throughout Ventura County in the 2000s. She is the owner of Integrative Insights.

Yet despite what she was successfully teaching others, she continued her habit of running on empty until 2010, when a cancer diagnosis and bypass surgery in her immediate family demanded she make another pivot. Meenal has always been fascinated by how the mind and body can either work in concert or pull in opposite directions and the ripple effects simple tools can have on individuals, organizations and families.

Together with her husband, Kris, they dedicate their time, treasure and talent with local nonprofits whose approach and solutions are changing the tidal wave of need. More recently, their philanthropy expanded to teaching HeartMath to local organizations, such as the Ventura County Community Foundation, the VC Family Justice Center, and the children who attend VCFJC’s Camp HOPE.