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'No Exit'

Student Stages

'No Exit'

The Theatre Arts and Dance Department presents an evening of existential drama with Jean-Paul Sartre’s No Exit, a seminal play that delves into the human psyche and the nature of hell.

Set in a single, unadorned room, the story follows three characters — Garcin, Inez and Estelle — who are mysteriously trapped together for eternity. As the tension mounts, their interactions reveal dark secrets and psychological torment, encapsulating Sartre’s famous assertion that “hell is other people.” This powerful play challenges audiences to confront uncomfortable truths about self-deception, freedom and the consequences of our actions. Don’t miss this gripping exploration of human nature and existential dread. Student directed by Riley Herbert.

Admission is $10; free for Cal Lutheran students, faculty and staff members with ID. Donations will be accepted. .

For more information, email Theatre-Dance@CalLutheran.edu.

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Theatre Arts and Dance Department


Noelle Porter