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Sweetheart Stories

Courtney Schmick '15 & Brett Federer '15

Featured photo for Courtney Schmick

There were hundreds of memories to remember during my freshman year orientation in the summer 2011, but the one that sticks out the most happened in the basketball gym. Hundreds of incoming freshman and their parents were seated on the bleachers listening to the warm and hopeful wishes of the president speaking to us about how excited he was for the incoming freshman class. I remember him saying that some of us might even meet our future significant others here…and from that moment on I knew that before I graduated, I wanted to do just that. Suddenly, it was my senior year and time was running out to meet my goal. Then, it happened. My senior year I had gotten a pretty bad grade on an accounting exam and a student in my class suggested that I come to a study group he held in the library for the class. I was never much for group study sessions but I went anyways. I’m so glad I decided to go because I met Brett there, my boyfriend now of five years. It just goes to show that if you say yes to opportunities, you never know what may come of them.

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