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Sweetheart Stories

Giselle Field '14 & Derek Field '14

Featured photo for Giselle Field Derek and I met during Freshman Orientation at a speed-dating icebreaker for Afton Hall residents. We quickly hit it off as friends, celebrating each other's 18th birthdays and accompanying one another to the Caf. Then on the night of Halloween, everything changed by an unexpected kiss. By Christmas, we were in love. We had to maximize precious time together between long-distance stints every summer (Derek is from Canada) and two semesters abroad in different countries. As the years went on, we traveled a lot together, visiting places like Peru, Mexico, and Hawaii. Our bond was strengthened by a shared love for nature and wild places. We've survived countless trips that most people would consider the "Ultimate Relationship Test", including a three-month walk on the Pacific Crest Trail and a number of week-long expeditions to climb scary mountains in untraveled parts of the Andes. Derek took it upon himself to learn Spanish in less than a year, and now speaks fluently with my family. Both families and our greatest friends came together on the best day of our lives: our August 2018 wedding in Mammoth. We now live happily in Moorpark and each day feel grateful for CLU bringing us together.

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