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Sweetheart Stories

Amanda Romero '18 & Justin Gilbert '17

Featured photo for Amanda Romero Justin and I met my freshman year at CLU while I was working at the front desk of North hall selling snacks to other students. Justin's dorm room happened to be right down the hall from the front desk. We met in passing one day and our friendship was quickly born! From that day forward, every time I worked, Justin would pull up a chair and we would sit and talk for hours. Our friendship continued for all four years that we attended CLU. We would go on trips to Disneyland together and study in Starbucks all the time - any opportunity we had to spend time together, we would. Little did I know, he had a crush on me the whole time! (Apparently, everyone knew except for me!) Finally, my senior year, Justin mustered up the confidence to ask me out on a date. We have been in love ever since! Over a year later, we are making plans to spend the rest of our lives together.

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