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Sweetheart Stories

Erika Gervol '03 & Jesse Creydt '03

Featured photo for Erika Gervol We met in front of the CLU bookstore beginning of junior year through Jesse’s roommate, Elliott, after I had gotten a parking ticket from campus security! Later that year, Jesse showed up at my 21st Birthday party where we hit it off. With only a month left until the Summer, we realized we coincidentally were both registered for classes at University of Hawaii Manoa for the Summer! We spent the Summer in Hawaii-having a great time! Jesse was registered to complete a study abroad in Hong Kong, China the following Fall (senior year), however, he returned to CLU after 2 weeks into his study abroad to propose to and be with me at CLU! We now have 3 beautiful children and reside in my hometown, Blaine, Washington!

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