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Sweetheart Stories

Amy Rico Faust '90 & Stephen Faust '88

Featured photo for Amy Rico Faust Looking back now it’s weird to think each of our parents divorces were responsible for us both ending up at the Lu. Stephen was originally supposed to go to somewhere else and chose to go to Junior College first so he could stay close to home for his siblings. And, I could have been anywhere as I’d been in England when my parents split and their divorce brought me to California and a pastor, John Lundblad, an alumn who convinced my now single mom that I COULD go to a private school. It’s all sort of kismet that from sorrow came joy. I remember the first time I saw Stephen... striding across the football field when I was gathering with my team for cross country practice. Never in my lifetime did I think someone so confident and strong would be interested in me. I was dating someone else when we met. He told me to let him know when that changed. Well, it changed and we’ve been together ever since. That was Spring of 88. Like anyone, we’ve had our ups and downs but we’ve stuck together through it all, raised two beautiful, accomplished kids and have a good life.

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